Do you think that parental alienation should be considered abuse?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Has Commissioner Dirk Amara violate your rights?

How Dirk Amara Handled My Child Custody Case:

Placer County Commissioner Dirk Amara has been completely bias. I, Angela Robinson have an ongoing child custody case for eleven years. In 2011 I got a court order to do a change of venue to Placer County where we were put before Dirk Amara.  This was in 2012. Dirk ordered that Jason (The father) and I have Joint custody as described in Family Code Sections 300-3007.
Dirk ordered weekend and Holiday visits as well as two phone calls per week for me. Jason violated all of the court orders. 1) Refusing to provide me with the children’s residence, their education, and medical information.  2) Stopped visits without a court order.
Nov. 2012 I brought the matter before Dirk with a detailed description of how Jason violated all of the orders.  Dirk imposed no consequences on Jason. Instead stated all the previous orders remain in effect. Dirk did not enforce orders nor did he reprimand Jason for outright disobeying the court orders.
Again Jason violated all of the court orders commissioner Dirk Amara ordered.
Due to the previous incidents in which Dirk did not impose nor force orders on Jason. I waited a while before filing papers again. (The children suffer from alienation, I was hoping that the father and step-mother would stop their campaign if I stopped involving the courts.)
June 2015 Jason violated all of Dirks orders as well as violated California Penal Code 278.5 By denying me my lawful right to visitation. Dirk did not enforce orders nor acknowledge the fact that Jason has violated court orders and broke the law instead Dirk ordered that I and Jason go to co-parenting. I only agreed because Dirk said the words. “Visits with the kids.” However I left that hearing realizing the only visits that he set up were a thousand dollars’ worth of co-parenting sessions with Jason.  My visits with my children have been stopped until I COMPLETE THESE SESSIONS WITH Jason. Meanwhile he gets the kids full time.
I filed for an ex-parte and requested that Jason followed the previous orders and give me back my visits. The order was denied by a different Judge who set it up for trial.
I then hire an investigator to find my children. When I do I went to follow the children to where I thought would be school so that I could get their school records. The girls Alyssa (17) 12th grade and Jasmine (13) 9th grade did not go to school in fact they were speeding up to 85 miles an hour up to Truckee. I was shocked when they arrived at their destination and their step-mother Lovina sister and her two year old son in the car. I notified CHP and CPS.
I was able to get some of Alyssa’s records to learn that the three years she been in high school has already attended four different high schools for no reason.
The review hearing on Aug. 31, 2015 regarding Amaras orders could not have been more shocking. Dirk stated that he made specific orders and that I am to follow them or I will not be allowed to see my kids. I explained to him that if he just made Jason follow court orders we would not need co-parenting session. I said I would rather spend the money on reunification with Alyssa. Dirk told me to call Jason and try and work it out with him, I stated the girls were not in school as Jason stated at the last hearing under oath that the girls would be going to Rocklin High. Dirk Amaras response was “You follow my specific court orders or you don’t see your children. Final. I am vacating the trial.” He did not care that Jason lied under oath regarding the girls being enrolled in Rocklin high. But reprimanded me again about following his court orders. When I asked him why doesn’t Jason have to follow court orders and I do. Dirks response was “We are dealing with you Ms. Robinson. You need to follow my court orders.” I told him that if the orders we followed and enforced for Jason we would not be in court today. Rather reprimanded me over and over again regarding following his court orders
Dirk also brings up past problems that I have had. But if I bring up the past as far as Jason breaking my ribs, causing parental alienation his responds is  “That’s the past. We are dealing with today. “Then will turn around and say that I alienated the girls eight years ago. Contradicting himself over and over again.  In fact the woman in front of Dirk Amara on August 31, 2015. (I believe it was a secretary) Shook her head while Dirk Amara was doing all this. I am not sure who she was but, upon investigating I ask that you get a statement from her.
These kids are changing schools left and right and have shown signs of sexual abuse, brainwashing and parental alienation syndrome. Their step-mother has masters in child psychology and has brainwashed the kids even more so then Jason. California family courts allow this.
I understand you hear things like this a lot. But I will make it very clear this complaint will not stop here. I am taking this to the White House, Congress men and Assembly Men, The Supreme Court, Media and more until Dirk Amara is off the bench. He is ruining children’s-Families lives.  Please investigate Dirk Amara of Placer County.
Below I have provided the information needed to start the investigation:
· the name of the judge, court commissioner or referee.
· The court in which the judicial officer sits. 



  1. My nightmare started in 2008 with Amara and still continues as I had to fight for 5 years to get joint custody of my youngest child because Amara gave him to his father but apparently I am fit to raise my other 3 from a previous marriage. In March 2016 a new judge said my ex could move my son to Denver, CO and basically told me to fuck off! I have to figure out how to get the order changed before they move in June or I will never see my son again....Placer County is crooked....OH and my ex and I both no longer live in Placer County and the court will not grant me a change of venue so I have to drive 2 hours for court at 8:30 am so they can send me through the money circle of contracted "professionals" that I am court ordered to see again and again and again!

  2. I had successfully filed an exparte regarding my daughter , Dirk Amara did not award it however he did ensure me that my child would be interviewd PRIVATELY. I requested and paid for a custody evaluation. I was clearly promised my child would be interviewed privately as she was being threatened not to speak about anything at all let alone incriminating to any one other than dad or step mom. Even me, mom however ... Helloooo I'm mom. Her security safety zone and she knows it. The CCRC never interviewed my child. The custody evaluator interviewed my child while at her dads house during their home visit in the living room while her step mother glared at her from the other room out of sight of the evaluator. The evaluator was clearly communicated to regarding this order from amara and request from my counsel. And on the day the evaluator had full opportunity to interview my child at our house she left with out doing so and before she left after bringing it up to her she said we could come to her office. Well she made sure she concluded her report and refused us the services.

    This was brought to Amaras attention. Needless to say . I made some phone calls to some close friends and Amara was transferred one week there after. I hope anyone reading or dealing with this, ITS EVERY WHERE NOT JUST IN PLACER. If you have ANY COMPLAINTS ABOUT YOUR BABYDADDY OR BABY MAMA IN A COURT RELATED SETTING BRING RECORDINGS OF BRING COLD HARD EVIDENCE OF YOUR CLAIMS. Check the evidence code laws. Want to enforce orders get a CIVIL LAW ATTORNEY TO DO THAT, want him/ her to go to jail or be recognized as the a-hole that they are? Come with hard evidence recordings! Voice or video, to the district attorney , and bring a supporting police report. It can be any report related just HAVE IT. And you will receive your justice. It's all about knowing who and where to go. READ! I have spent countless nights reading until my eyes burned. Get PC LAW BOOKS, legal library, Google , make sure you google properly , if you want updated info only hit search tools and pick with in the last year. Don't waste time reading something from 2009. And finding out it was 2009 after you read it all. Good luck. Fight for your kids. Sue for tort and defamation of character. Don't stop until you have your kids and they are safe. Document properly .

  3. I had successfully filed an exparte regarding my daughter , Dirk Amara did not award it however he did ensure me that my child would be interviewd PRIVATELY. I requested and paid for a custody evaluation. I was clearly promised my child would be interviewed privately as she was being threatened not to speak about anything at all let alone incriminating to any one other than dad or step mom. Even me, mom however ... Helloooo I'm mom. Her security safety zone and she knows it. The CCRC never interviewed my child. The custody evaluator interviewed my child while at her dads house during their home visit in the living room while her step mother glared at her from the other room out of sight of the evaluator. The evaluator was clearly communicated to regarding this order from amara and request from my counsel. And on the day the evaluator had full opportunity to interview my child at our house she left with out doing so and before she left after bringing it up to her she said we could come to her office. Well she made sure she concluded her report and refused us the services.

    This was brought to Amaras attention. Needless to say . I made some phone calls to some close friends and Amara was transferred one week there after. I hope anyone reading or dealing with this, ITS EVERY WHERE NOT JUST IN PLACER. If you have ANY COMPLAINTS ABOUT YOUR BABYDADDY OR BABY MAMA IN A COURT RELATED SETTING BRING RECORDINGS OF BRING COLD HARD EVIDENCE OF YOUR CLAIMS. Check the evidence code laws. Want to enforce orders get a CIVIL LAW ATTORNEY TO DO THAT, want him/ her to go to jail or be recognized as the a-hole that they are? Come with hard evidence recordings! Voice or video, to the district attorney , and bring a supporting police report. It can be any report related just HAVE IT. And you will receive your justice. It's all about knowing who and where to go. READ! I have spent countless nights reading until my eyes burned. Get PC LAW BOOKS, legal library, Google , make sure you google properly , if you want updated info only hit search tools and pick with in the last year. Don't waste time reading something from 2009. And finding out it was 2009 after you read it all. Good luck. Fight for your kids. Sue for tort and defamation of character. Don't stop until you have your kids and they are safe. Document properly .

  4. Angela Robinson, I would like to find out more detail on how Amara could vacate your trial.

  5. I would love each case detail you have been able to compile. Putting together a list. Thanks All
